Family Night IDeas

Here are a few ideas for fun and engaging family nights:

  1. Family Movie night: Gather the family together for a cozy movie night and watch your Year in Review family movie. My family loves sitting together and reliving the memories of when the kids were young, the places we've been and the love and connection we share.
  2. Game night: Set up a variety of board games, card games, and other tabletop games for the whole family to enjoy. You could also include fun, physical games like charades or Simon says. This one is a super favorite of ours. We love Uno Attack, The game of Life and Trouble. For older kids, I recommend Ticket to Ride or Catan. We also love playing hide-and-go-seek together. We've come up with some really clever hiding places.
  3. Baking night: Get the whole family in the kitchen and bake something sweet together. You could try a new recipe or make a family favorite.
  4. Craft night: Set up a craft station with supplies like paper, scissors, glue, and markers, and let everyone create their own projects. You could also plan a specific craft activity, such as making holiday decorations or creating a family tree. We also love doing drawing tutorials. Even those of us who are not artistic, enjoy the simple drawing tutorials and togetherness it fosters.
  5. Outdoor adventure night: Head outside for a family hike, bike ride, or other outdoor activity. You could also have a picnic, set up a backyard scavenger hunt, or play outdoor games like frisbee or capture the flag.
  6. Family dinner night: Plan a special dinner and have everyone pitch in to help with the cooking and prep. You could also set the table with candles and special dishes to make it feel extra special.

No matter what you choose to do, the most important thing is to spend quality time together as a family and have fun.